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We are asking our members to support the hardest hit Chamber members of COVID-19 (your fellow business owners) by Paying a Membership Forward.
We know that it is critical to keep our restaurants, caterers and hotels engaged and connected through the chamber so that we can continue to provide resources, education, exposure and customers for their businesses. Chamber membership effective business strategy. When consumers know that a small business is a member of the chamber of commerce, they are 49 percent more likely to think favorably of it and 80 percent more likely to purchase goods or services from the company in the future. Paying a Membership Forward helps fellow chamber members implement this business strategy.

Our annual membership renewals will be mailed in November. If your company has been fortunate enough to weather the COVID storm, I am asking you to please consider Paying a Membership Forward for a fellow business owner now. Our goal is to raise $30K. This amount will help us to scholarship restaurants and hotels for Chamber membership in 2021. We also understand that there are other members who may have suffered great financial losses outside of the hospitality industry such as our gyms, salons and small retailers. We will use all monies raised to assist as many members as we possibly can.  

Should you choose to extend this kindness of helping another business with their 2021 Chamber membership, we will recognize all Paying a Membership Forward contributors in all 2021 Commerce Connection issues; your company (or name) will be added to signage in our conference room and we will send a letter to each member who has been granted a one-year complimentary membership a letter including all of the contributing companies’ names.